About Me

At the age of 10 I got my first computer. My used Compaq Presario was a device that represented a world I thought only geniuses were allowed to navigate. I loved its slow glitchy state it would often get into because it afforded me the challenge to make it run better. As an adolescent I took all the computer classes that existed in high school, took a computer science 101 class in college, and worked in the college computer labs.

I majored in Psychology and have tremendous experience in adminstrative work, social & customer service. I love serving people, however, I often found myself troubleshooting tech issues, creating automated systems, and have been known for being a relentless problem-solver. This has followed me in every stage of my life and now I am a software developer who is excited to take part in creating beautiful solutions.

Recent Work

LIRI Node App

LIRI Node App

Node.js | Request | Inquirer

The LIRI (Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface) node application will search Spotify for songs, Bands in Town for concerts, and OMDB for movies.

Get In Touch

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